Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Iphone countdown widget - by springwidgets.com

My thoughts on the anxiously awaited Iphone. In the meantime, while waiting for this expensive device, I went out and bought a blackberry 8800. I noticed that the blackberry UI, with the way it handles incoming calls, layout of icons and silo'ed navigation model, that it is very similar to the iphone minus the touch screen. Of course, im not comparing the two just yet, but I will say that I think apple did have a bit of a head start by looking at how the blackberry UI handles the ease of use issues. The jury is still out, until this thing launches, but if you put a touch screen on my blackberry and some cool finger sliding controls and I would probably be just as happy. thoughts?

Widgets , Widgets and more wwwwwidgets

If you like widgets, this is the place. SpringWidgets.com is currently still in beta, but you can find many many different flash based widgets for your site and to share with others. The UI is amazingly simple and the setup process will have you grabbing code in minutes. I created a quick logo, uploaded and brought in my RSS feed in 3 steps. Users can grab the code from your public based widget and put on their site also. Have fun widgeting!

How to use your own URL as an OpenID without running your own OpenID server.

It is easy to delegate your own URL to an OpenID server for authentication. For example, you may have an account on an OpenID server, http://yourname.myopenid.com/, but want to use http://yourname.com/ instead.

Simply embed the following into the HTML HEAD of the page you want to use:

< rel="openid.server" href="http://www.myopenid.com/server">

< rel="openid.delegate" href="http://yoururl.myopenid.com/">
< equiv="X-XRDS-Location" content="http://yoururl.myopenid.com/xrds">

The role of the OpenID server is to provide a page for you and make claims about user ownership of that page. By pointing a personal page to the page you own on your OpenID server, the consumer can discover your server information, ask you to prove that own the URL on the server, which then also proves that you own the personal URL.

How to use OpenID by Simon Willison

Simon Willison is a Computer Science student from England, currently on placement in Lawrence, Kansas. By day, he develops web applications for the Lawrence Journal-World. By night, he writes about web standards and technologies on his web development weblog.

Feed icons now standardized

Mozilla Foundation recently posted useage guidelines with accompanying FAQ for the feed icon. They've also branded two versions of the icon as being the canonical icons - one that you see here and a smaller 14x14 version that more closely resembles the original Firefox Live Bookmarks icon. Both icons are now part of the download pacakge offered here.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Yahoo! Search marketing

yahoosearchmarketing_logo.jpgYahoo today announced the Yahoo Search Marketing Commercial API Program that will provide businesses and developers free and open access to the Panama search marketing application program interfaces (APIs).

The program will give advertisers, developers, ad agencies and technology providers the ability to build upon Yahoo’s core search marketing technologies to enhance their existing business offerings or create brand new search marketing tools and applications.

Susan Decker, head of Yahoo!’s Advertiser & Publisher Group said that opening up Panama was all about gaining market share: “By providing open access to our technology, we are making a clear investment in our advertising partners, creating new opportunities for developers, and taking a key step toward achieving our vision to build the industry’s leading advertising and publishing ecosystem.”

Opening up Panama to free API access can be either of two things: inspired thinking or desperation. Given the huge lead time it took to deliver Panama in the first place this feels like a decision that is the former, after all nothing at Yahoo moves quickly enough to act from a position of desperation. Developers will likely pull apart the new program in the coming days and strictly from that viewpoint the offer will definitely be welcomed in the industry and could potentially throw down a stronger challenge in the quest to topple Google’s dominant Adwords platform.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Next steps for DIGG.com

One of the good things about digg regarding interaction design, is that they started with a very simple model, "thumbs up", " thumbs down" for rating community driven articles that people thought were interesting. This cool little feature made the site compelling and interactive enough that they had something they could build off of. The simplistic light graphic design of the site, makes the content approachable and easy to understand. They slowly engage you with small fades, and animations where it makes sense. I think that digg will need to make sure they do not clutter the site too much with various interactions as the site grows. They do have a testing lab where they test new items that may help digg users become more engaged, their next steps may be to spawn off another site for testing and make sure they don't disrupt the current digg experience.

Twitterfeed OpenID service

For all of those who have followed the twitter hype over the last few weeks and have not joined yet - this is your chance! A new OpenID enabled service called http://twitterfeed.com reads your blogs RSS-feed every 1-24 hours and posts your new entries to twitter. This way every blogpost can be a post on twitter too, helping you to keep people on track about what you think, do, like …

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Fun site!, check it out and get street credit! I just joined.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Sac Fox Fox

Flickr Image from one of my
contacts....lookin good!
Sac Fox Fox
Originally uploaded by DaddyNewt.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Let your creativity flow

An interesting new site for people to post their creations on the web. Everything from poems, to design, to craftsmanship items. I think community's like these are going to be get bigger and bigger the more we bring design and life to the web. Check it out. www.openfloodgate.com.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Google gets more personalized

Well, they did it again and very clean I must say. Google launched the ability to personalize their home page with a set of 7 custom themes that you can apply through a widget or tray to your page. The tray which is presented like a widget is opened through the "Select theme" link near the "Add Stuff" link on the top of the page. They basically show/hide the widget, instead of acting like the other widgets which is good. I hope that they have a global visual design direction moving forward and if this is the sign of what is to come, they better keep photoshopping. It is nice and simple, but reminds me of the old AOL themes AOL had in their 8.0 client with background changes. AOL and Yahoo is much farther ahead in the visual design arena and probably always will be until Google hires more talent in that area.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

The Y! Journey begins

After 8 years designing for AOL Time Warner, I have decided to leave and begin a fresh start at Yahoo! I presented and interviewed with 8 company's in two weeks and found that the best fit for my skills and most positive direction going forward would be with Yahoo. Yahoo leads the industry with the most page views and traffic on the net and is very serious about design and standards. I hope to bring my skills to another level and keep you all posted on what I will be working on. Special thanks go out to Apple, Cisco, Source Forge, Adobe and others with the direction and accommodation they gave me when I was involved in my search.